Company Registration Card

Commercial register card No. 1 has been opened in Tartu County Court Registration Department in respect of ioBanker OÜ (registry code 14386003):
Business name and address
Entry  1: Business name is ioBanker
Entry  1: Address is Harju maakond, Kuusalu vald, Pudisoo küla, Männimäe, 74626
Entry  1: A person competent to receive procedural documents is Nordic Consult Oü, registry code 11282740, address Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Kiriku tn 6
Entry  1: Share capital is 10,000 EUR
Right of representation
Entry  1: Management board member is Ammar Yousef Saleh Mustafa, personal identification code 38312090181
* Every member of the Management Board may represent the private limited company in concluding all transactions.
Legal status
Entry  1: Legal form is osaühing [private limited company]
Entry  1: Articles of association have been approved on 07.12.2017
Entry  1: Financial year begins on 01.01 and ends on 31.12
List of entries
Entries made in Tartu County Court Registration Department:
Entry  1: Approved on 08.12.2017 (first entry)

Proudly Established in Estonia.

“Even though there are only a little over a million of us, thanks to Estonia’s capabilities, we can make ten million payments, perform ten million requests and sign ten million contracts in just ten minutes. Even ten times larger states cannot beat us. But the good news is that it is possible to join our exclusive club of digitally empowered citizens.”

Kersti Kaljulaid - President of Estonia

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